
Submission for Speakers

Organization and Shipping

The First International Congress of Architecture and Urbanism is managed through the OJS platform of the Entrópico Scientific Magazine . Authors must register on the journal’s website to send summaries and final papers. Submissions will be reviewed through the platform, through evaluation by blind peers. Only submissions that strictly comply with the author guidelines will be considered.


The call has been opened for the first international Congress of architecture and urban planning, to be held on October 23 to 25, 2024, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The best works will be published in the international scientific journal Entrófico.


The abstracts received (in Spanish or English) will be subjected to a first evaluation. After evaluation and acceptance, the complete final papers must be sent through the platform, following the format defined in the template, on the indicated dates. These will be reviewed and evaluated for final acceptance, which implies their inclusion in the digital minutes of the Congress.

The abstracts must include a maximum of 4 authors, of which, if the final paper is accepted, at least one of them must be registered at the Congress. The template provided will be used, without the authors' data, in a duly anonymized Word file, following the instructions to ensure an anonymous evaluation. The text will be between 250 and 300 words and must contain: (1) Purpose of the study: purpose of the study addressed; (2) Development: breakdown of the study; (3) Results: summarize the main findings; (4) Conclusions: indicate the main conclusions. In addition, you must register for one of the thematic lines of the congress.

In OJS the data of all authors will be indicated, following the following indications; First names, Last names, Email, ORCID ID, URL (if available), Institution, Country, Biographical summary (short). Additionally, the contact author for correspondence must be indicated.

If the summary and the complete presentation are accepted, by the International Scientific Committee, for inclusion in the Book of presentations.

The full version of the paper should be between 3000 and 4000 words in length, including bibliographical references. The total length may not exceed 10 pages, including images, if any. Only Microsoft Word files (*.doc) that meet the format and conditions will be received.

Using the template provided, the file will be uploaded to the already open file, for sending the summaries, with the final paper, including the authors' information.

If the summary and the complete presentation are accepted, by the International Scientific Committee, for inclusion in the Book of presentations.

The full version of the paper should be between 3000 and 4000 words in length, including bibliographical references. The total length may not exceed 10 pages, including images, if any. Only Microsoft Word files (*.doc) that meet the format and conditions will be received.

Using the template provided, the file will be uploaded to the already open file, for sending the summaries, with the final paper, including the authors' information.

Review Policy

In the process of selection and review of the works received, for their acceptance and publication, in addition to the Editorial Committee, there is an International Scientific Committee (both Permanent and each edition) made up of international and local experts, in each case.

Once the works have been received and carried out, a first verification by the Executive Committee, they are subsequently subjected to review by external blind peers, in two stages; summary and full presentation.

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